Sunday, December 6, 2015

Tom and Jerry Holiday Drinks

Tom & Jerrys are a traditional treat in our family, that is, the Dolls. Lon and Jared don't care for them. The batter is my favorite ingredient. 2 tablespoons per cup for me, please!
 Its ingredients are powdered sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla extract. Old Fashion Bakery made this. Even when taken from the freezer, a spoonful can easily be scooped out. The recipe is: 1 heaping tablespoon Tom and Jerry mix in a cup, add 3/4 jigger rum and 3/4 jigger brandy, fill cup 5o top with piping hot water, top with nutmeg.



Gullible said...

My favorite cold weather drink. Made with ice cream, they're sinful and fattening, but then isn't everything that's good?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, very true.