Saturday, May 26, 2012


Summertime draws me outside.  I like to mix it up by dividing my time between sit-down and up-and-about activities.  Today I'd like to share a few of my favorite off-my-feet pastimes.

Observing birds at our feeders is a joy.  We have more than enough feeding contraptions to keep a variety of birds coming and going.

When I have only a few seconds to sit, I open a crossword puzzle book.  I must admit, there's nothing like a difficult puzzle to get me back on my feet again!!! 

Journaling calms me and allows me to put my life in the proper perspective.  (You wouldn't know that by the angle of this photo!)

I recently discovered LUMOSITY and am addicted to the brain stimulating games they offer.  They're not exactly relaxing but I love a challenge. 

I just finished this book yesterday.  It's the second in the HUNGER GAMES trilogy.  I'll start MOCKINGJAY later today.  I understand why Suzanne Collins' books are bestsellers.
Blurry, but none-the-less, a majestic male cardinal.  Birdwatching is awesome; you can enjoy it while you're doing something else.  A quick glance up can award you a pleasant sight like this. 

I hope you've enjoyed these photos and the accompanying words.  I'll be back soon to share some of my up-and-at-em summertime activities.

I'd love to know you better by hearing about your favorite summertime stuff.

(I know it's not officially summer yet.  Please humor me!)


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