Sunday, October 21, 2012

Considering NaNoWriMo

I haven't been doing any creative writing for what seems like forever.  I haven't even had the urge.  National Novel Writing Month is coming up in a week and a half.  For the past three years, I've participated, along with thousands of writers across the nation, in a quest to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.  I wonder if I should undertake the challenge again.

I have no ideas burning within me or even flickering shyly anywhere within reach.  The exciting thing for me is just sitting down and writing and seeing where my thoughts take me.  Always, from nothing comes something.

In the past NaNoWriMo challenges, I've found that an hour and a half of writing every day does the trick.  That's not an unreasonable chunk of time.

In conclusion, if I can come up with a "novel" idea, who knows where I may travel in the month of November and how I might get there. 


Gullible said...

How about a novel re the jo
journey through BWW and its after-effects?

Cheryl Peters said...

That's a "novel" idea alright. At least now I have one idea to date!

Linda McMann said...

Yes- Anne would be in total support. She's given lots of prompt suggestions lately -maybe one will start the creative juices. I'm starting with only a brief concept, with no delusions that I'll make 50,000 words, but that's not stopping me!
Shaddy - join me in the journey!

Cheryl Peters said...

Linda: I think I'll pop over to see the prompts Anne's been offering. I'm still at a loss so I need help.