A long bike ride can provide much more than a physical workout. Unlimited visibility in every direction and a nonchalant speed allow for an endless feast for the eyes. I hope you'll enjoy these photos taken on my bike ride in southern Wisconsin this past Sunday afternoon. Once I started snapping pictures, I discovered there were many more interesting photo opportunities than I had anticipated. Since I don't have to worry about film with my digital camera, I captured everything that caught my eye. Here is Part Two of my presentation with Part Three to follow.
Please note: The cat has something like a bird or mouse in her mouth. I don't know what those cement things are beside the creek. I believe the other photos are self-explanatory, but if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them, unless the question is "what possessed you to take that picture?" If that query has crossed your mind, my best guess is that I was delirious due to my newfound freedom from cycling performance pressure and I got trigger happy.
I planned to present these photos in the order that I took them, but I failed miserably. So for those of you who recognize these areas of Beloit, I apologize for the nonsensical order they're in.
(Remember you can double click on the photos to enlarge them and then click on the left pointing arrow to return).
I really love these photo's, please don't take this comment badly, but what I like about them is their everydayness, the fact that they are snap shouts of ordinary everyday things, but that in almost every shot there is a little some thing that tells me it's America. You see your conntyside is very similar to ours and with out the little clues, I could almost say they were taken in this country. Except, there's that little something American in most of them, like a truck, signpost, mailbox, a building or a chain-link fence and they all add up to making them fascinating.
After all most of us over here only get to see American through a screen on film or TV. and a Hollywood haze. So it is great to see everyday America. I think they are really lovely.
As for my holiday weather, rain is expected here for the next 36 hours, over the whole country. As I type this there is a massive thunder storm right above the house, that has been stuck there for about an hour now, it's freaking me out to be honest. Oh well I guess we are going to get wet, but we are still going.
Much love,
Lia xx
Lia: That's what I like about these photos too; they're totally ordinary and yet beautiful because of they're relative insignificance in the grand scheme of things. I should be more careful of what I write because it seems I've got you worried that I might freak out over your comments. I was really just kidding around but that's hard to detect when you don't know me well and you can't pick up on my body language or tone of voice.
I love hearing about London and how it is similar in some ways to the U.S. and different in others.
Have fun on your holiday.
Yes! Shaddy, this is the way to ride a bike.
Gully: It's a far cry from what I've been doing when I jump on my cycle, that's for sure!
Oh now I absolutely love these!!!! Holy smokes you rode quite a ways!
These are great my dear, and I love seeing everything through your eyes. Of course I recognize many of the things you photographed, but there are just as many that I don't!! I can't pick a favorite, I really do like them all. The barns are so cool! And those gas pumps!! The flowers, the windmill....yep, I like them all.
I love that you're able to enjoy your bike rides like this now. Plus! It's fun for us readers because we get to enjoy the ride with you! Hooray!!!!! You know me dear...I'm selfish when it comes to having your writing in front of me. And now with terrific photos!!!! Hooray again!!!!
I don't know if it was a typo, or British slang, but Lia said "they are snap shouts of ordinary everyday things". Snap shouts, I like that. They shout that each of our lives are unique, yet similar in so many ways.
I like the way you frame your shots, like the section of the red house that shows the corn in the field behind.
When are is your next ride, we're waiting....
Sarie: It was a long bike ride. It'll take me a while to realize I don't have to ride long distances. Did I ever mention to you that my middle name is Overkill?
Do you have any tips for me that might make my photos more interesting?
Walk: I agree with you regarding Lia's words "snap shouts." I'm thinking it's a typing error but I love it too.
I've got two more posts before I take another ride. Dang! Moderation, Shaddy, moderation in all things is acceptable. Do you think I'll ever get that concept through my thick skull, Walk?
This is a great series! I started at the most recent and worked my way down. You have a great eye! Much better than mine. I think I like the vintage green car with its hood up best. I feel like that should be in a movie or a play. LOL I've watched too much AMC.
Please don't use any self-discipline with your picture taking! Start a gallery or use Flickr or Webshots. They're really great!
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