Saturday, July 6, 2013

More Shore Path Sights on Geneva Lake, Wisconsin (From Fontana)

These photos were taken on the same day as those in my last blog post.  We were walking from Gordy's in Fontana along the north shore of Geneva Lake.  We followed the path for about 45 minutes, turned around and walked back. 

I tried to post them in order, but somehow they got mixed up.  Oh well, it's all good.

Since we passed every sight twice, I took two photos of some sights from opposite perspectives. 


I'm surprised by the absence of boats in this shot, but I did get a bird in flight.

Boats, boats and more boats.


Another view of this unique flower garden.




I zoomed across the lake for this photo.

One of these days, we'll walk that south shore from Fontana.  On two other future visits to Geneva Lake, we plan to take walks in both directions from Williams Bay. 

Ahhh...what could be better?

(If you'd like to see more Geneva Lake shore path sights, there are more on recent previous posts here). 

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