Saturday, June 28, 2014

Alaska Journal #15: Our Afternoon & Evening in Juneau

We located the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau after our whale watching tour.  Gully had suggested that we check it out.

I wish now that we'd at least ordered a beer so we could sit down and get a good look around.  We have that complimentary beverage card for the cruise ship beer and we wanted to do some shopping so I snapped this photo and away we went.  Sorry, Gully.  Next time!!

When I stepped inside to take the picture, I was walking in a very thick layer of sawdust.  Must be for drinkers who waste good beer by slopping it all over the place.

Suddenly, we're at dinner.  I can't recall where this was taken on the ship.  According to my picture record, we left the Red Dog Saloon at 3:03.  This was taken at 6:46.  No pictures between 3:03 and 6:46!  What a slacker!!

Are you beginning to understand why all the photos?  Without them, my recall isn't worth a darn.

After dinner, we left the ship to wander the streets of downtown Juneau.  We found that Alaska Brewing Company has its own store.  Lon and I bought black jackets.

At 8:30, we're back at the ship again.  Only that one photo between 6:46 and now!  Thank goodness I have a few purchases to vouch for that period of time or it would be lost forever. 

It looks bigger than ever from this angle.


Here's the proof that we shopped for a while.  Lon's wearing his Alaskan Brewing Company jacket and has a shopping bag.
And I'm wearing my Alaskan Brewing Company jacket too.  Nothing like advertising that I'm a drinker.  What the heck.  All of you have known that for quite a while and who else matters!!

We went back on board the ship.

The two men in the burgundy colored jackets hold containers of hand sanitizer.  They're everywhere!!!  Using it is a necessary nuisance.  Often, we'd come up to both a self-dispensing sanitizer station and a staff member holding another container side by side.  To make sure we use it, I suppose.

The ship departed from Juneau at 10:00pm; the expected time of arrival in Skagway was 7:00am the next morning. 


Gullible said...

About that sawdust? Maybe it makes for a softer landing when someone face-plants into it. It also makes sweeping and mopping the floor a non-issue. Those jackets are cool and I'm glad the weather was nice. Most unusual in Juneau. It's been said that on a sunny day, people quit their jobs, all the shops close, and everyone goes out to stare at the sun... I think the cruise line industry changed that old tradition. Yep. Shoulda had a beer in the Red Dog.

Funny story about the Red Dog. Miller Brewing Company (yes, that Miller) bottles a beer called Red Dog. It is not allowed to be sold in Alaska because the saloon had registered the name... Red Dog Saloon the giant slayer.

We carried the beer at our lodge because the saloon asserted its rights.

Okay, next chapter, please.

Gullible said...

Ooops. "We carried the beer at our lodge BEFORE the saloon asserted its rights."

Cap said...

Yep .. THE RED DOG SALOON .. and not-so-much as one beer .. silly of you two ..

Another GREAT PHOTO of you and Lon (the third one down from the top ) .. you two photograph very well !

I agree .. GREAT BLACK JACKETS .. they look really good on the two-of-you ..


Cheryl Peters said...

CAP & PATTI: No beer at the Red Dog Saloon was VERY silly of us! We'll have to plan another trip so we can correct our error of omission!!