Monday, May 10, 2010

Writing, Bones, Goldberg and a Frame

When I read this paragraph from Natalie Goldberg's book, Writing Down The Bones, it grabbed me and held me to the page. The message behind the words spoke to me in a loud and clear voice. I read it again and again. In order to preserve the excitement I experienced when I read these words, I typed them on my computer, printed them on a sheet of parchment paper, and finally, framed them.
I admire Natalie Goldberg's courage and wisdom. Being honest in our writing requires courage; utilizing this courage is wise in that honesty connects us intimately to our readers.
You can click on the framed paragraph to enlarge Ms. Goldberg's message.


Anonymous said...

I remember this page well. It too rivited me to the page. It all appears so simple. Just grasp on to life, experience it, don't be ashamed of what it is, or what it has to offer, notice everything, waste nothing, in all things lies a story begging to be told.

If only it was as easy to practice as it is to consider.

Natasha said...

This is such a great quote from a great book! Excellent sentiment indeed.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you like it. It's liberating!

Aisley Crosse said...

That really is a cool quote. Definitely one worth framing.

Cheryl Peters said...

darksculptures: " all things lies a story begging to be told." How true your words are!

Natasha: I have the pocketbook addition which fits so cutely in my hands. Although tiny, it packs a powerful punch.

linda: Exactly!

Aisley: I wish I would take the time to write down every awesome sentence or paragraph that I come across. What a collage I could create! (Thank you for commenting, Aisley.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I sure do love this Shaddy. Thank you for sharing with us. I love that you framed it, I think I will too.

Anonymous said...

What a great message! Definitely worth framing. Thank you for sharing, I needed this today.

Cheryl Peters said...

Sarie: I'm glad it meant something to you too.

dayner: Sometimes the simplest things can do a lot to motivate us.