Sunday, February 17, 2013

Red Crossbills: Our First Sighting

Lon took these photos yesterday morning.  According to our field guide, they are Red Crossbills.  It was the first day EVER that we've seen these birds at our feeders.

Yesterday afternoon, we went to Wild Birds Unlimited store in Rockford to buy some peanuts.  We spoke with the owner and mentioned seeing the Red Crossbills.  He told us that during the nine years he has owned the store, he's never heard anyone say they'd seen this particular bird in this area of southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.

Their plumage can be highly variable as you can see here.  Yellow, orange and red colors were all visible in the birds we saw.

We're happy to have seen these Red Crossbills and hope to see more of them.  I did spot a couple again today.

Watching birds is such fun!!!

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