Woe is me! We're fourteen days into September and I'm finally getting around to acknowledging it properly. Honestly, only today did I realize my sin of omission.
As my Auntie Babe once told my cousin, "If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous." I hate to admit it, but her words are applicable to me as well as to Kathy.

Joseph Addison's words quoted way up yonder work well for me. Smiles are beneficial to both the giver and the receiver. I'm in the habit of using them to enhance every day. I can't control how many smiles I receive in a day, but I can give them away with abandon and come to the end of the day happier for it.
Joseph Addison's words quoted way up yonder work well for me. Smiles are beneficial to both the giver and the receiver. I'm in the habit of using them to enhance every day. I can't control how many smiles I receive in a day, but I can give them away with abandon and come to the end of the day happier for it.
Yes, it's true. In the blink of an eye, half of a month has passed. September is flaming along just fine without so much as a word of introduction from me. Alas, am I that insignificant?
Ah, but watch me. I won't let October get by me without my written permission.
(Are you into birds? My previous posts focus on a Downy Woodpecker, a Black-capped Chickadee and a pair of House Finches. The closeup photos are pretty good).
Auntie Babe probably used that saying a few times, but I remember it as , if you had half a brain you would be dangerous.
September is surely here along with the cool nights, i really am not ready for fall.
I thoroughly enjoy your blogs. XOX
OMG! It IS the middle of September already. Only two months until my nieces wedding. Excuse me, I have to get back on the treadmill. Dang donut.
AUNTIE BABE: I bet you're right about the wording. It's funny either way.
I'm actually enjoying the current weather. The temperatures during the day have been perfect and with the windows open, sleeping is great. I'm not looking forward to the rainy days in the forecast although we can use the moisture.
I'm glad you enjoy reading what I write.
DARKSCULPTURES: Speaking of donuts, the Apple Hut here in town makes the best donuts at this time of the year. We've made a few trips there recently. Donuts sure do go down easy but I have to agree with you. Dang them!!
I wondered what was wrong with September! Now that I have the proper introduction, I'd better get busy taking care of all that I postponed, thinking I had more time!
Hey you guys, stop talking about donuts! :-D Apple cider donuts are THE BEST this time of the year.
Shaddy, I love your date book. I use my laptop to keep myself on task, but that book makes me want to do it the old fashioned way.
PARROT: Maybe I'm not so insignificant after all! Thanks for changing my self-image. Good luck with catching up!!
KATHANK: I can't stop talking about donuts, especially when the weekend arrives and Lon says, "Let's go to the Apple Hut." Talking about them is one thing, eating them is another. I can't eat one of anything anymore. If one is good, two is doubly so. Right?
With all of my recent computer problems I thought perhaps Blogger didn't want me to see September's journal pages! Glad I didn't miss them. That drawing of the flower is sooooooooo beautiful. Thanks for sharing dear.
SARIE: I take it you're back in business with your computer. Hurray! I hope it's clear sailing for you for a long, long time.
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