For some reason, after I deleted a blog post yesterday, everything on the left side of my blog page vanished. My posts were the only visible items on my page.
Good grief! No matter what I did, I couldn't retrieve any of it. I gave up and went to bed, frustrated and upset.
This morning, I published a "Help" post, beseeching all of you to offer suggestions to help me retrieve my profile, blog archives, followers, blog list, and all the other essentials I absolutely must have at my fingertips. I clicked on View Blog and everything that had been gone, reappeared.
I'm relieved. My life is back to normal. You can't imagine how I felt without my oh-so-convenient connections to all of you.
Hmmm. Today, as I sit back in my chair and savor my resurrection from what felt like near death, my eyes rest on a little witch who keeps me company when I'm at my laptop. I love her and keep her close all year round. I bought her in Salem, Massachusetts during a visit to my friend's home near Boston two years ago.
Halloween is approaching. Could my little buddy's powers be awakening and might she be experimenting with them on my blog? She's so cute I can't live without her. Just to be safe, I'm repositioning her a few inches further to the left.
I think that mischievous little lady is playing games with you. Maybe she needs a little more attention. You could always write a story about her.
she is adorable though. a lot of things that are adorable can always be a little bit evil.. ha ha. The year seems to be going fast don't you think? if you would like you can go to my blog =]
DAYNER: Thanks for the idea. I might just do that.
LMC09: I agree. 2010 is going very fast. I also agree that adorable things can't be sweet all the time and just have to be somewhat evil now and then.
I just came from your blog where I left you a comment. I promise my words are more on the adorable side than the evil.
I'm looking forward to reading more posts on your blog.
I'd keep on eye on that one. Cute as she is, I think she is up to no good.
As I look at your newest post, I do not see anything to the left. She just might have had something to do with making it disappear. Glad it is back for you to see!
DARKSCULPTURES: Salem, Massachusetts, where I bought my witch, is well-known for witchcraft and other paranormal activities. I will keep an eye on my little friend.
PARROT WRITES: As I work on my blog today, my posts stay where they're supposed to be. The rest of my blog page comes and goes mysteriously. I haven't yet figured out the cause. I'm moving my little witch closer and closer to the edge of the table as my wariness of her possibly powers increases.
Thank you for following my blog! and thank you for being so kind. I've gone through a lot in my life, I may just write a big blog about it. who knows?
Shaddy? Shaddy??? Where's your blog? There's nothing here but the background wallpaper. Hello, Shaddy? If you can hear me, press CTRL Z
Sometimes that restores everything you've just messed up.
(A witch playing an April Fools Day joke? Now, that's a witch with a sense of humor.)
Try changing your template again. I know you really liked this one when you found it, but it might help. I'm not seeing anything but your posts.
I'm like Vanessa, all I can see is your posts :(. Blogger is so temperamental. Sorry you're having troubles honey.
The little witch is adorable! If a witch can be adorable...
Happy Sunday!
LMC09: You're welcome. Blog about whatever you want. I'll read it.
GULLY: I'm confused. If all you can see is my wallpaper, how did you know the subject of my post?
VANESSA: As long as you can see my posts, that's alright, don't you think? Right now I can see everything. I may try your idea of changing my template if worse comes to worse. Thanks for the suggestion.
SARIE: I think I'll see how things go for a few days and then perhaps change templates. As long as I can post my writing to my blog and you can read it and comment, that's the main thing, right?
I'm not sure anymore if witches can be adorable or not. I used to think mine was but...I'm not so sure now!! Poor thing, why am I blaming all this on her? I better watch myself or she may make me disappear.
Because not only witches can play jokes....
But seriously, remember that CNTL plus Z thing. It's saved me from many meltdowns.
GULLY: CTRL Z hasn't worked for me in my present situation but I'll keep it in mind.
What a terrible way to feel - I hate when tech stuff like that happens. I'm just glad it came back...since you DO have the rockinest blog ever!! :-D
KATHAN: I nearly become a basket case when I have computer problems. It's not a pretty sight to see! So far I'm functioning on a fairly normal level since my blog is basically intact.
I do enjoy your extravagant words of support regarding my blog. You make me think I'm doing something right.
Oh no! What a terrible feeling to find everything GONE. I'll join the throng that ain't seeing nuthin' but your blog posts, though. That's all that's showing up for me....
Salem MA at Halloween is a real rush and should be done once or twice.
But I love this template! Oh I hope Blogger shapes up before you have to change it. Grrrrrrrr.
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