Thursday, December 5, 2019

Will You Dance?

My challenge in navigating through my days is that I have more options than I ever anticipated. As a result, my head spins and I do many a happy dance. Seriously, I can't dance but my moves are joyful.

I want to be happy. My friend, Cap, reminded me that "To feel good, do good." I will focus on that as I go forward. And, I'll eat chocolate!

I have so much to be thankful for. It's humbling to consider the mountains of blessings I've enjoyed in my life. I will do my best to be a blessing to those whose lives I touch.

And so I ask, will you dance with me?

1 comment:

Cap said...

Of course, we'll all dance with you Shaddy. To Feel Good Eat Chocolate ?? Smiling .. Cap and Patti