Sunday, January 12, 2020

Hi, How is Your Day Going?

I’m sorry. I forgot to put on a happy face.

Feelings don’t always work their way to the surface. Although, I look sober, I’m happy to the point of being giddy. I have recently experienced joy unlimited.

I would tell you how this is occurring, but I have no recipe. I can share that I retired this past November. Perhaps that’s the recipe. I’ll tell you what I think.

My stab at a Happiness Recipe:

Have faith in God and spend time with Him.
Pay attention to what you say and do.
Treat others with all the respect you can muster.
Eat healthy.
Have a beer a day.
Smile every chance you get.
Love like there is no tomorrow.

My recipe works for me. I hope and pray whatever guidelines you are following, bring you joy. Feel free to use the ingredients listed above, if you wish.

Choose happiness and love at least three times a day and use a soup spoon.


Cap said...

Well THE PACK pulled it off winning against the Seattle Seahawks this weekend. Now off they go to San Francisco.

Happiness IS A DECISION. To quote Abraham Lincoln .. “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

A beer a day? Smiling .. Cap and Patti

Elizabeth Westmark said...

Nice recipe! I'll print it out and stick it up on my wall of good things.

Cheryl Peters said...

Cap and Patti,
Yes, the a Pack played well. It will be fun watching them play SF. You know all about happiness. God bless you both.

I’m honored. A wall of good things is awesome!